3 October 2017 Henry Tillman: Financing China’s Belt & Road Initiative n this joint event with the Confucius Institute Henry Tillman will outline China’s financing arrangements for this long term, high growth initiative

Henry Tillman, Founder and CEO, Grisons Peak Description The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) outlined by China’s President Xi Jinping is one of the most significant and substantial investment and development programmes to come out of China since the building of the Great Wall. Join us to develop an overview of the financing arrangements made by China for this long-term, high-growth initiative.

Our speaker, Henry Tillman, has an international business career spanning almost 35 years. The founder, Director and CEO of Grisons Peak - a London-based Asia-focused merchant bank - in 2008 he also set up China Outbound Investments which tracks and analyses G2G agreements, Chinese Government related loans, and M&A/equity investments.

In his talk he will provide information on:

•             Chinese policy bank loans (2013-2017)

•             New banks (AIIB, NDB and SCO Bank‎)- and how these banks are becoming multi-lateral

•             Chinese use of Green Bond market

•             ‎Use of other financing instruments such as Securitisation, NPLs.

While many ratings agencies question China’s ability to fund this growth, data accrued by China Outbound Investments shows how they are doing so, and how such financing techniques have evolved over the past few years

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